5 min read
You're not alone in your desire for an age gap relationship, nor in facing the challenges that come with seeking love in a world that may try to dim your light.
When we began our journey together, we found a lack of genuine advice and support from real age gap couples regarding the ups and downs of this type of dating. Our goal is to help others feel less isolated and encourage open communication and support among those in similar situations.
Feel free to explore various topics below about finding an older or younger partner, navigating age gap relationships, and much more. If you'd like to contribute to the costs of maintaining this site for the benefit of others, you can do so here- your support would be amazing!
And don’t forget to follow us @AgeGapGuys on Instagram and TikTok for more fun and adventures related to age gap relationships!
Use our handy filter to find the age gap category you're looking for, or search for a specific topic. If we haven't covered it yet, let us know you'd like us to! See here for our general LGBTQ+ blog.
There are loads of hurdles to getting a gay young old relationship. From accepting your attraction to older or younger gay men, to how to actually find your perfect partner. Here are some tips and help you confidently find your magic match.
So you've found a boyfriend, partner, daddy, whatever you want to call your man. However from figuring out who pays through family introductions, to dealing with age, there's a lot that's still to navigate that's unique to a gay young old age gap relationship. This is where we talk about some tips and tricks we've learned along the way
Outside of finding an older or younger man, to having a successful age gap gay relationship, there's plenty of other areas to talk about in the gay young old spectrum. So here are a few blog posts to help you with using the right terms, understanding yourself a little more, and a few stories form @AgeGapGuys and others