The Age Gap Guys

2 min

Age Gap Symbols For Older Younger Relationships and Individuals

Numerous genders and sexualities have symbols to help people express their identity. Those that are attracted to older or younger people - aka those seeking age gap / age different relationships have not yet had their attraction representation in symbols.

See below for a set of symbols to represent older and younger individuals and age gap attraction, a deeper explanation on the creation and rationale, and each of the symbols individually for you to download an use if you wish (please credit).

Age Gap Symbols of Identity and Age Gap Attraction Symbols of Identity

Express your attraction identity with these age gap relationship symbols (other colours below)

Why we created the symbols

Labels can have positive and negative sides to them. Putting yourself in a box can be restrictive, however seeing/hearing/witnessing/having something that you feel represents you can positively impact your personal growth, self expression, and sense of identity. Because of this, alongside the internal struggle many people have in realising and accepting their attraction to an older or younger man/woman we thought it was time to create some symbols for age gap relationships.

Notes on the Age Gap Symbols:

  • To minimise confusion, we adapted already existing symbols to create a set of new symbols for older and younger males and females, that have an attraction to older and younger people of the same or different sex to them.

  • We realise that sexual attraction goes beyond these binary gender option. This set offers a good start for future adaptation. There are more than 15 gender symbols, so would require over 200 symbols for all older / younger options. As with many other gender and sexuality symbols, they can be adapted to the needs of the individual and their attraction.

  • The terms "male" and "female" have been used (not man/woman) to align with the definition of the 'standard' symbols for those genders.

  • "Older" and "younger" have been used as this comes down to the individual's identity. If someone does not identify as a younger or older male/female, they can swap out the symbol element for a standard male/female symbol.

Gender Symbols for Age Gap Relationships

All the individual symbols needed for age gap relationship.


Binary Homosexual Lesbian and Gay Age Gap Relationship Symbols

We've started with gay young old icons as, well, being "the age gap guys" it's kind of our thing!! Scroll further down for heterosexual and bisexual icons!

Binary Heterosexual Age Gap Relationship Symbols

Binary Bisexual Age Gap Relationship Symbols

We included these as not all age gap relationships are confided to single sex attraction. Despite what some may say, bisexuality exists and is valid - just as age gap relationships are. And where two things exist, you know they cross over - so let's make some icons for them!

Age Gay Symbols Charts

We hope you like these symbols, and they help you to express yourself as you feel. Increasing visibility of age gap relationships can help build their acceptance within wider society as legitimate valid relationships - which of course they are!! Please credit if you use them - you may not think it, but they took forever to make.


x The Age Gap Guys x